clover® home has created and adopted a management system based on personal skills which supports individual & company wise innovations and improvements. We take each and every idea which created by any individual or team groups within the company, with extra care under participatory working principle.
Under this principal, we review all decisions, workflows and system on continuous basis and consider the ones which are beneficial for our company and its business partners.
We are flexible and open all the time for new ideas which are referred by our team members or which are suggested by our business partners.
In order to take “decision-making” up in front row amongst our team members, we limit bureaucracy company-wise.
While doing these we let our team members to create a principle of “Total Quality Approach”.
clover® home supports the idea of “good morale within an organization” which leads to increased productivity, therefore, knows that a well-integrated team leads to good morale. As we know teamwork encourages product innovation, boosts company morale, increases productivity and creates more accountable employees.